"Equity is the Engine." New Medium Article

Nearly two years ago, I transformed a lifetime of intersectional disability justice and antiracism advocacy into a consulting business called Epiphanies of Equity: Education and Consulting. Throughout my time working with businesses, nonprofits, and public administrators, I have consistently been asked three questions about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion that are often nested in a statement like this:

“Can you help me understand the difference between Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (Question 1)? I think it will help us better figure out how to have an equitable and inclusive business (Question 2). In fact, what does equity and inclusion really mean anyway (Question 3)?”

I have a tendency to want to nerd out on concepts, theories, and thought-leaders who have sought to define each of these questions. But after a few glazed-over looks and nods, I resolved to find a metaphor that’s memorable and clear to help people frame their understanding and start their exploration into what truly needs to be done in order to work towards equity and inclusion.

That is when the “Pimp my Ride” metaphor was born!*

Read more here: https://medium.com/@christianaobeysumner/equity-is-the-engine-the-pimp-my-ride-dei-parable-e24317c51c43